Hair and Scalp Treatment for Everyone

Why Get a Hair and Scalp Spa Treatment?

Getting ready for a spa day is a great treat to look forward to, but don't skip out on the hair and scalp treatments available to you. When planning your day of detox, massage, and relaxing, many people don't consider their scalp and hair even though it benefits just as much from a spa day. 

Hair and Scalp Treatment Moontree Spa

If you've never done a hair and scalp treatment, you're probably what it is and how it benefits you. Perhaps visions resembling a shampooing at a salon are going through your mind but, that isn't the case. While many spas will include a scalp massage as part of your treatment, it's not like getting your hair washed and styled. 

Let's go over what a hair and scalp treatment it as well as how it can benefit and help to detox you. 

What is a Hair and Scalp Treatment?

While there are a lot of trends about one vitamin or another and myths around what a scalp massage can do, a hair and scalp treatment isn't a useless fad. Essentially, a scalp massage not only helps to relieve tension and stress but also increases blood flow to carry more nutrients to your hair.  Though, it should be said that while a scalp massage is part of any hair and scalp spa treatment, it isn't the treatment itself.

Hair and Scalp Treatment Moontree Spa
Hair and Scalp Treatment Moontree Spa

To help with skin conditions and repairing hair damage, like oily or dry hair, a spa will use products. Again, while many salons offer hair and scalp treatments, it can be a great addition to your spa day. They moisturize your hair and skin, apply products to help with dandruff, and may exfoliate your scalp to help renew your skin. Of course, for more serious dryness or oily hair, you may need to see a dermatologist but, this is good care for anyone.

Your hair and scalp deserve more than a shampooing, it should be treated to your spa day too. 

What are the benefits of a Hair and Scalp Spa Treatment?

You've booked a day at the spa and decided to go for a hair and scalp treatment, so what are the benefits to look forward to? While some of the perks to treating your hair and scalp are long-term, you will notice some immediate changes such as dramatically cutting down on dandruff and your hair feeling like new from the deep conditioning. You'll also notice how much stress you carried in your scalp now that it has been massaged away. The rest of the week even, you'll see and feel how happy your hair and scalp is from the spa treatment. Hopefully, it'll inspire you to make the detox treatment part of a weekly routine and if that's the case, you have more benefits to look forward to.

Hair and Scalp Treatment Moontree Spa

Getting a hair and scalp spa treatment regularly carries more long-term benefits and can help slow or reverse some of the unseemingly aspects of aging. For example, regularly treating your hair and scalp to a spa treatment can help fight the signs of aging in that region. By getting a scalp massage and facilitating blood circulation as well as feeding your skin more nutrients you can help prevent greying hair as well as losing it. Keeping all parts of your body healthy and relaxed does wonders for reinventing how an age group is supposed to look. While on the topic of hair loss, another major long-term benefit to having regular hair and scalp treatments is hair thinning. Since this problem has more to do with the roots and therefore your scalp, you want to keep it as happy as possible. Many spas offer specific treatments for specific goals, so don't be afraid of telling whoever is administering the treatment why you're seeking it. 

A Happy and Healthy Head

Spa treatments aren't just there to make you feel better or help you to relax, it's a part of a holistic approach to wellness. Certain massages and essential oils are known to benefit specific things, the same goes for hair and scalp treatments. We pay stylists and barbers to help our hair look good and getting a hair detox, as well as scalp massage, gets to the root of that; healthy scalps and hair.  It's much easier to keep your favorite hairdo when the stylist can work with healthy and happy hair.

Hair and Scalp Treatment Moontree Spa

So, don't skip out on getting hair and scalp treatments when having a spa day. It's just as important as your back and feet when it comes to carrying stress and your overall wellness. Be happy and healthy, all over.

Teerawat Jutamontree

Managing Director of MOONTREE | Elemental Spa

Patong | Phuket, Thailand